Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Max objects title design

I spent some time thinking about a title for my project, and came across a phenomenon called synesthesia. Synesthesia is when more than one of a person's individual senses are connected. For example, some people who suffer from synesthesia read numbers, letters and words as having specific colors - "3" always appears green, "B" looks red, etc. Others may equate numbers or letters with specific places in 3 dimensional space or time. Since my project is shaping up to be a combination of sound, visuals and physical movement, Synesthetic seems like an appropriate (working) title.

I then went into Max and started placing objects and routing patch cords in order to create a visual design rather than anything functional in the program. I ended up designing the show title typographically by creating letterforms out of the Max elements. Some of them function in some way or another, but many are standalone and solely exist for the sake of creating the overall letterform.

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