Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Routing the Wiimote data, streamlining

I mostly worked on programming since tuesday. I cleaned up my schematics by encapsulating large sections of it using "p" objects, and by sending/receiving data without patch cords using the "s" and "r" objects. What you see above the blue segment are the volume and speed controls being split into 4 different outputs that are selected by pressing either up, down, left or right on the D-pad of the Wiimote. The fifth button (attached to the grey switch) tells it not to send any information unless a button is being held - A for the speed control, B for the volume. The "send" objects send the output values to "receive" objects in the 4 different loop machines. This will let the user play with any of the four different loops, picking which one via whatever direction it's assigned to on the D-pad.

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