Monday, February 11, 2013


I've been watching tutorials on the software I got called Max/MSP/Jitter. It's basically a programming language that is visual based instead of code based. You create programs by making schematics in Max, which you'll see at the end of the "color gun" video below. MSP and Jitter and programs that use the schematics you created in Max to alter audio and visuals using pretty much any input method imaginable. I found some really cool videos of things people have done with this language, some more relevant to my project than others.

Using a Wiimote as an input

Wii Synth

Good example of how the schematics work

I'm going to start looking for specific tutorials now that I understand how the program (basically) works. It would be interesting to make something that creates both music and an image corresponding to the music at the same time made from input from a Wiimote since it has so many sensor & button mapping capabilities.

- Ian

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